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Popular Pursued Minors

by Anna Travasos, B.S. Arch '26

Many students in the A School decide to broaden their academic scope and minor in topics both related and unrelated to architecture. If that’s you, but you aren’t sure quite what to minor in, see below!


Minors in the College of Arts and Sciences


A minor in Architectural History requires 15 ARH credits, including ARH 1010 and ARH 1020, and nine credits of ARH electives. No thesis is required. 



A minor in Urban and Environmental Planning requires 15 credits of PLAN courses with a minimum grade of C-. Students may choose from among any PLAN courses, with no more than six credits at the 5000-level counted toward the minor. PLAN courses taken as a completed Planning Minor do not count against the limit of credits college students can take outside the College. Students minoring in Urban and Environmental Planning are highly encouraged to take PLAN 1010, Introduction to Planning, and PLAN 3030, Neighborhoods, Communities, and Regions. College of Arts and Sciences


Jointly listed courses PLAN/ARCH, PLAN/EVSC, PLAN/SARC, etc. also count toward the minor.




A Minor in Global Sustainability is comprised of five courses: a required Foundation Course, Global Sustainability; three electives from a pre-approved list with one course selected from each of three categories: Equity, Environment, and Economy & Policy; and a final Capstone course chosen from an approved list of sustainability-focused, upper–level courses in several disciplines. No more than two of the four elective courses may be taken within a student’s department, in order that each student adds breadth to their major course of study. At least three of the student’s courses must be above the 3000 level.




Minor in Historic Preservation requires a total of 15 completed credit hours with a minimum grade of C-. Three courses, nine credit hours, are required among the five listings in the Foundations of Preservation Core. Two courses, six credit hours, are required from among the Specialized Preservation Courses. The Specialized list is not all-inclusive. Check with the Director for approval of other courses.



Undergraduates wishing to minor in landscape architecture explore the issues and the future of the natural and built environment as shaped by dynamic ecological processes and human cultural practices. The minor is offered to all undergraduates–from those considering graduate studies in landscape architecture to those who just wish to broaden the scope of their major in a related field that is key to envisioning sustainable planning and design. A minor in landscape architecture requires at least 15 credits in landscape architecture and a minimum GPA of 3.00. Consult with the LAR Advisor for details.



The visual arts program at UVA Wise seeks to teach students how to more effectively utilize this visual language. This knowledge is needed both by those that wish to work in the visual arts as a profession, as well as those who simply wish to be more aware of how visual communication functions and become more literate in the visual language that surrounds us. The minor in Studio Art requires 18 credits in ARTS courses including ARTS 2000 and 15 credits of ARTS 2000-level or above courses in at least two concentration areas. ARTS 4900 (Advanced Project in Art) does not count toward the minor in Studio Art.
Minors must have a minimum GPA of 2.000 in all 18 credits of Studio Minor courses. No ARTS course graded C- or below may count for minor credit. With the a
pproval of the Director of the Undergraduate Program, students may transfer up to 6 credits to the minor.


Last names A-L : Megan Marlatt

Last names M-Z: Akemi Ohira 


The broadest of all engineering professions, and encompasses the application of science and technology to the planning, design, analysis, construction, operation, and maintenance of the infrastructure and natural environment. There are two main program areas: environmental and water resources engineering and civil infrastructure systems. Incorporating elements of sustainability, each program area features an adaptive design with a strong focus on the incorporation of information technology. Completion of fifteen hours of Civil Engineering courses, with no more than six hours at the 2000-level


Suitable for students who are interested in legal, business, foreign policy, or other applications in natural resources, in writing and communicating about science, in analytical methods, or simply in understanding how their natural environment works. The minor consists of at least 16 hours of Environmental Sciences graded coursework in a program chosen by the student and approved by the Department.  This program must include at least two core courses with labs (EVSC 2800/2801, EVSC 3200/3201; EVSC 3300/3301; EVSC 3600/3601) and at least one advanced, non-core course at the 3000-, 4000-, or 5000-level.  No more than six hours of non-core course credits below the 3000-level may be counted toward the minor.

Minors in the McIntire School of Commerce


Transform how students think about leadership and develop the skills they need to lead people and organizations in today’s complex global environment. With this minor, students will be able to supplement the intellectual depth in their chosen fields of study and enhance their contributions within these fields by leveraging their leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities in their work. In addition to nine (9) required hours, students must complete two electives (6 credits).


Prepares students to play crucial roles in the new venture community, including startups and new ventures operating within or launched by established firms. The program provides an education in and experience with the tools, techniques, and transformations involved in new venture development.
The completion of the Entrepreneurship Minor requires a minimum of 15 credits unique to the minor (i.e., not “double counted” for another major or minor in any school or any prerequisites for those degrees)


Designed to help students create positive change in the built environment—the human-made structures and energy systems that define the world and our lives. With topics ranging from redlining and social impact to urban planning, ethics, and real estate investment, students will have access to rich interaction with disciplines across Grounds including commerce, public policy, history, ethics, engineering, and design. A 15-credit interdisciplinary minor.

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